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How to know when it’s time to sell your agricultural or livestock business.

The sale of a company/livestock farm can be the best way to conclude a cycle at the head of a company, since it allows the business assets to be transformed into liquidity and guarantees the continuity of activity and jobs.

Thus, it is an alternative to consider, especially when:
• The entrepreneur is not seeking family succession.
• The company has favorable prospects, but lacks financial resources to develop them.
• The entrepreneur perceives that the company is not prepared for such a competitive and global environment.
• The entrepreneur considers that they have already achieved their objectives.
• The entrepreneur does not feel the necessary motivation to continue leading the company.
• The company is suffering the consequences of differences among shareholders, which can seriously damage its value.

In case you find yourself in any of these situations, in AGROINVERSIONS MINGUET we offer you our advice , based on experience and the extensive network of contacts, in order to find the most appropriate solution.